Friday, November 30, 2007


well i have to go on a SATURDAY to learn how to refurbish computers and what not not to fun but o well, i'll see how it goes maybe i won't have to cause of some miracle, not saying i don't want to do this project but, doing this on a Saturday and at 10am is crazy.
(A) apply computer technology to individual or community problems;

Thursday, November 29, 2007


well today i took the final exam not to brag but i got a pretty decent grade on it, i don't feel like telling people i like to keep them in suspense, well thats about all i learned today so here's some teks. (E) use computer technology to record, locate, analyze, present, and exchange information.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


well today we did some stuff with progress reports and our teach came around and checked on all the work we've done, we have been working on the pamplet and our blog and wiki, and thats about all we've been doing.
(E) use computer technology to record, locate, analyze, present, and exchange information.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

just a blog a day

well today i worked on the pamplet for our neato little computer recycling project and looked at a few blogs i learned that poo can save peoples lives and that sun bears are very ugly.
(D) identify and describe the roles of computer technology; and

Monday, November 26, 2007


well something creepy happened today, my friend here blogged about how zoho sucked and some weird guy commented on his blog, it was pretty weird and now i'm blogging about it so there ya go.(A) apply computer technology to individual or community problems;

Monday, November 19, 2007


well today we learned about some stuff on Microsoft word and how to make things easier, there was like making the tool bar better and other stuff, and ya thats all.
(E) use computer technology to record, locate, analyze, present, and exchange information

Friday, November 16, 2007


well today we did something with a grade sheet my co-workers are very annoying at times and today is one of those times but uh thats pretty much what i learned about today, so there ya go heres a teks that applies (B) use teamwork to solve problems;

Thursday, November 15, 2007


well today we worked on our project some more and got a logo did some editing on the wiki and stuff, we are working on a pamphlet which my coworkers do not know how to pronounce, but thats besides the point my point is , what i just told you is what i learned in class.
(A) apply computer technology to individual or community problems;

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


so today we made a wiki for our project and we all joined it, its the first step in making our project a reality, this wiki will make it easy for people to submit their ideas to us and to contact us about it.
(A) apply computer technology to individual or community problems;

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

new 6 weeks

last 6 weeks i made 100 in this class hooray!! and now qw all have to blog every day and include teks like (A) apply the universal systems model to computer activities; so you will be hearing a lot from me over the next six weeks so enjoy it.

Friday, November 9, 2007

bridge thing

this shows how changing the material and kind density of the bars the bridge will fail utterly and the truck guy will die.

more stuff

this time i simply added more stability to it and now the bridge works again.

more on the bridge

this shows how just adding extensions will compromise the whole bridge.

bridge assingment

this is a very good bridge design and its my assignment and i'm going to show how adding subtracting or changing members will affect this bridge.

no test?

well today we were exposed to take a test but he says we're not it makes no sense i can't stand it, and people are saying we are taking it but i don't know!!!!!!! so what the hell!!!!!!!!!!
(H) complete his/her work according to established criteria.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


well today was uhhh boring so far we made some bridges that was cool the practice test was too long so i didn't do it and thats about all i learned today so there ya go.
(E) use computer technology to record, locate, analyze, present, and exchange information.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


today we did a lab in ipc it was fun we learned about pullys and levers i used a pully for the lab it was fun we also had a notebook quiz and that was disappointing to me because it was hard.
(C) describe how the interaction of technical systems helps solve complex problems.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

last minute

we watched some educational mythbuster episodes in ipc it was awsome, we took some more notes in math about linear programming and learned about rome in english.

Monday, November 5, 2007


today we took some notes in ipc, we learned about old machines in ancient times and how they work, we learned about different types of force and since its Monday i don't really have anything else to tell you so.. that be it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

ummm some more blogs

well today we took a notebook quiz in ipc in algebra, we took some notes, read some stuff in enlgish, pretty normal boring day, umm somehow i'm exposed to include teks in this but i have no idea how to.