Tuesday, December 18, 2007


well today is our final for this class, and this will be my last post for this semester so i'm going to make it an epic one!!! ya well not that epic but it should be interesting anyways. SO as usual my spanish teacher kasmirnazi is being a *BEEP*, i won't say it on this blog since its not appropriate but you get the picture. well i slacked off alot in her class because i cannot stand her and she drives me insane, well that came back to haunt me and now i failed her class with a 68 it sucks but i brought it up form a 46 to that so its not too terrible. but to all my readers this is a lesson for you, the lesson is do not get kasmiroski as a teacher cause she sucks and believe me you will hate after the first days in that class. anyways its been pretty this first semester in this class, the projects goin good and what not. ummm i'm not sure what to say right now............. ok! hopefully i will be getting a 360 for xmas which would be so damn awesome, but with my grades you never know. but if i did that would be really cool then i could play halo 3 all of christmas break and of course fifa 08 and assassins creed. anyways thats all.(E) use computer technology to record, locate, analyze, present, and exchange information.


well yesterday i was exposed to post but i forgot so here it is. we worked on our final the whole day and thats about all i learned about the final and other stuff too i guess.
(A) apply the universal systems model to computer activities;

Friday, December 14, 2007


so far, this year i have learned many things about computers and other stuff as well. Where to start... well ill start with learning how to do all the programs and how internet explorer is evil, games are FORBIDDEN!! and this class is pretty awesome. After this stuff we learned about how we could succeed in this class with community service credits and what not. Now for the important stuff, the blogs, not my blogs i mean the blogs i read every day like spluch because it is so dang awesome. I was just kidding thats not the important stuff. What really is important is our project about recycling computers and refurbishing them. its great we do all this stuff and hopefully we'll be able to help people soon enough. we have already been in talk with goodwill about a partnership. some of us even went up to goodwill to learn how to take apart a computer and how to put it back together. now we are getting computers from miss bolsgraagsfdhf, well I'm not sure what her name is, but we do get computers from her and she's really nice about it and seems very willing and excited about what we are doing. We took apart a mac this week which was pretty cool we found out macs are a lot harder to dissemble than pcs. I had a great idea about making a commercial but they disagreed. o well it would of been funny but pointless. this is pretty cool i must say it's not to hard and we get to help the community as well. we are planning on going and talking to goodwill on the 4 th again. we should hopefully get some useful information and push our project further into completion. well in a very short paragraph thats the whole semester and what i learned and what i did, it's been fun and i'm looking forward to next semester. and now for a teks that applies.
(A) apply computer technology to individual or community problems;

Thursday, December 13, 2007


well today i discovered kidspiration its pretty frikkin awsome there are like dinosaurs and pets and sunshine and clouds and apples and trees and it was so amazing!! of course i tihnk its only fun if you have the attention span of a 5 yr old but thats ok i love it and i'm doin i again tommorow.
(B) identify the inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback associated with computer systems; and

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


well today i'm very very tireed and we took apart a computer and it was cool, thats all that happened today i really wanna sleep.
(A) apply the universal systems model to computer activities;

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


well today we went and got two computers, a mac and a pc, i played out the whole event in my head to make it more interesting. the mac and the pc sprouted robotic limbs and they started fighting it was insane!! you wouldn't belive it of course in the end the mac totally balled the pc but it was a good fight anyways.
(C) describe how the interaction of technical systems helps solve complex problems.

Monday, December 10, 2007


well saturday they all went to goodwill to learn how to refurbish computers i however was not able to go because i was doing chores all day but thats a thing of the past, i'm gonna start making my christmas list over these next few days. thats all go, you can go away now.
(D) dispose of hazardous materials and wastes appropriately.

Friday, December 7, 2007

durka durka stan

well today we saw some "awesomely bad" military patches, its pretty funny somethin with elmer fudd and him huntin "iwaqis" well thats about all i learned today goodbye.
(D) identify and describe the roles of computer technology; and

Thursday, December 6, 2007


well today i really didn't learn anytihng but saturday we will be going to learn how to refurbish computers from pro's at goodwill, it's gonna be awsome!!!! not really but it will be very good for our project.

(A) develop or improve a product or system that meets specified objectives;

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

instant messaging is awsome

so today i learned about im in gmail its pretty cool me and the guy right next to me had a big argument on it it was awsome and ya we did other stuff and what not but that was the important thing.
(B) identify the inputs, processes, outputs, and feedback associated with computer systems; and

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

bah bah sheep

well today we went and helped a teacher take some stuff from his car and it was a very long way and they were slightly heavy boxes so it was slightly hard, and ya thats about the most interesting thing that happened in class today.
(B) use teamwork to solve problems;

Monday, December 3, 2007

i'm very tired

well as you may of guessed from my title i am very very tired, and today i learned stuff like evil kenivel diedand other stuff like some guy whos face is now a 12 pound tumor it is very disturbing, and uh some singing yoda thing o n a street looks pretty funny.
(A) apply the universal systems model to computer activities;

Friday, November 30, 2007


well i have to go on a SATURDAY to learn how to refurbish computers and what not not to fun but o well, i'll see how it goes maybe i won't have to cause of some miracle, not saying i don't want to do this project but, doing this on a Saturday and at 10am is crazy.
(A) apply computer technology to individual or community problems;

Thursday, November 29, 2007


well today i took the final exam not to brag but i got a pretty decent grade on it, i don't feel like telling people i like to keep them in suspense, well thats about all i learned today so here's some teks. (E) use computer technology to record, locate, analyze, present, and exchange information.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


well today we did some stuff with progress reports and our teach came around and checked on all the work we've done, we have been working on the pamplet and our blog and wiki, and thats about all we've been doing.
(E) use computer technology to record, locate, analyze, present, and exchange information.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

just a blog a day

well today i worked on the pamplet for our neato little computer recycling project and looked at a few blogs i learned that poo can save peoples lives and that sun bears are very ugly.
(D) identify and describe the roles of computer technology; and

Monday, November 26, 2007


well something creepy happened today, my friend here blogged about how zoho sucked and some weird guy commented on his blog, it was pretty weird and now i'm blogging about it so there ya go.(A) apply computer technology to individual or community problems;

Monday, November 19, 2007


well today we learned about some stuff on Microsoft word and how to make things easier, there was like making the tool bar better and other stuff, and ya thats all.
(E) use computer technology to record, locate, analyze, present, and exchange information

Friday, November 16, 2007


well today we did something with a grade sheet my co-workers are very annoying at times and today is one of those times but uh thats pretty much what i learned about today, so there ya go heres a teks that applies (B) use teamwork to solve problems;

Thursday, November 15, 2007


well today we worked on our project some more and got a logo did some editing on the wiki and stuff, we are working on a pamphlet which my coworkers do not know how to pronounce, but thats besides the point my point is , what i just told you is what i learned in class.
(A) apply computer technology to individual or community problems;

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


so today we made a wiki for our project and we all joined it, its the first step in making our project a reality, this wiki will make it easy for people to submit their ideas to us and to contact us about it.
(A) apply computer technology to individual or community problems;

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

new 6 weeks

last 6 weeks i made 100 in this class hooray!! and now qw all have to blog every day and include teks like (A) apply the universal systems model to computer activities; so you will be hearing a lot from me over the next six weeks so enjoy it.

Friday, November 9, 2007

bridge thing

this shows how changing the material and kind density of the bars the bridge will fail utterly and the truck guy will die.

more stuff

this time i simply added more stability to it and now the bridge works again.

more on the bridge

this shows how just adding extensions will compromise the whole bridge.

bridge assingment

this is a very good bridge design and its my assignment and i'm going to show how adding subtracting or changing members will affect this bridge.

no test?

well today we were exposed to take a test but he says we're not it makes no sense i can't stand it, and people are saying we are taking it but i don't know!!!!!!! so what the hell!!!!!!!!!!
(H) complete his/her work according to established criteria.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


well today was uhhh boring so far we made some bridges that was cool the practice test was too long so i didn't do it and thats about all i learned today so there ya go.
(E) use computer technology to record, locate, analyze, present, and exchange information.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


today we did a lab in ipc it was fun we learned about pullys and levers i used a pully for the lab it was fun we also had a notebook quiz and that was disappointing to me because it was hard.
(C) describe how the interaction of technical systems helps solve complex problems.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

last minute

we watched some educational mythbuster episodes in ipc it was awsome, we took some more notes in math about linear programming and learned about rome in english.

Monday, November 5, 2007


today we took some notes in ipc, we learned about old machines in ancient times and how they work, we learned about different types of force and since its Monday i don't really have anything else to tell you so.. that be it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

ummm some more blogs

well today we took a notebook quiz in ipc in algebra, we took some notes, read some stuff in enlgish, pretty normal boring day, umm somehow i'm exposed to include teks in this but i have no idea how to.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

bloggin some more

well, didn't really learn anything in ipc except my grade but otherwise uhhh, i'm getting tired of my core classes because there is too much work and i'm probally not doing to good but whatever i'll fill you in once i learn some more stuff.

Monday, October 29, 2007

more blogs

well apparently i'm exposed to have 30 blogs by now and as you (my faithful readers) can tell i don't have 30 only 23 or so. well today i learned about momentum in my ipc class, that was interesting, not really, but anyways thats what i learned today so.. until i blog again (tomorrow)

the ultimate of ultimate projectness

Need a project idea to include your interest in hardware and software and building computers?
Need a basic game plan to start your project?
Need to find a way to address all of the TEKS, leap forward in the college and job process, and feel really good about yourself?

Try this:

The ultimate project:
1. Visit Goodwill Computer Store and coordinate some training for their staff to show you how they recycle computers.
2. Volunteer for several days to help the Goodwill Computer Store refurbish computers.
3. Create some basic instructions on the process of refurbishing process.
4. Create a wiki about refurbishing and connect different resources (people who donate equipment, people who are interested or knowledgeable about the process, people who need computers, people who will volunteer).
5. Add instructional content (video, still images, sound, animation) about refurbishing.
6. Coordinate volunteers to refurbish computers.
7. Contact software companies to supply software for free.
8. Possibly form a computer club to legitimately raise money for refurbishing costs.
9. Document your work and present the work to internet service providers, and convince them to provide free internet service with each refurbished computer.
10. Start a website and document some of the families and how they were helped.
11. Get media coverage to gain community support.
12. Hold fundraisers to raise money for refurbishment.
13. Provide a presentation to three community groups (Rotary, Lions, etc.) about the project.

1-2: three to four weeks
3-5: four weeks
6-10: six weeks
7-13: 12-18 weeks

a. help families and students gain resources for learning.
b. bring together hardware, software and service providers and provide them with good press
c. develop project management and volunteer management skills
d. develop huge sections of practical experience for your resume/college app.
e. leave a lasting legacy to McCallum of a program that helps the community
f. set an example as a community leader
g. network with business and community leaders to establish relationships with personal and professional benefits
h. get an "A" in CAMM

So far we have three people working on this and we really would like to recruit more.

Friday, October 26, 2007

the project of ultimateness

well today we decided to do a community project about recycling computers and are going to try to make it very big. its pretty cool cause thats all we have to do till December. but it will be a lot of work so we'll see how it goes, i will be giving updates every now and then.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

doing the power to tthe point of the power

so today we were given the choice to get some help on our power to the points or present them soon, what do you think we chose? well anyways thats boring lets get to something exciting, o wait this is school!! nothings exciting!!

well goodbye peeps

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

usin power to make my point

power point... pretty freakin awesome well the changing backgrounds to make it look awesome is pretty damn cool. so anyways my presentation is about the recycling of old computers, and to my many readers you should definitely recycle your old computers and what not.

Monday, October 22, 2007


i really did not like the one about the cell phones because all of them are usable and if they aren't they can still be recycled. we could like melt em down and make new ones and stuff, we don't have to and shouldn't throw all this stuff away we should recycle it.

picturas and more

What do these pictures represent?
These pictures represent how wasteful we are, all of those photographed are recyclable yet they are thrown into landfills.
What do these images convey to us?
These images convey that people are too wasteful and need to take better care of the planet.
How are these images supposed to make us feel?
These images are supposed to make us feel sorry about how wasteful we are.
Why do you think that the artist chose to create these photographs?
He chose it to get the message across that we are wasteful and to raise awareness of the problem.
How hard do you think that it was to create the photos?
I think it was not very hard considering he probably just went to different landfills and photographed what he thought would get the message across best.

Friday, October 19, 2007

mla stuff

clays paper when compared to the mla format i thought had just about everything right. he had a header everything double spaced put everything in the right place, so i think that he did a very good job. i also thought his essay was a bit long but otherwise pretty much perfect.

3 presentaton programs

well today we had to compare three programs Microsoft PowerPoint, Open Office Impress, and IBM Symphony Presentations are all used to make slide shows. as far as i know IBM Symphony was not on any computers so i didn't do it, but out of Microsoft and Open Office, i think that Open Office was easier to use because it was simpler. well on Open office it had a cleaner, it was slightly more manageable interface, while Microsoft's was plain and not very helpful too boring made me bored. to me it seemed Open Office gave you everything you need, while it was like you needed to already know what you were doing when your using Microsoft even though it did not offer more stuff. in my opinion One of the best features of Open Office is the simple addition of tabs that can let you view and edit your slide show in many different ways.

bloggin or floggin?

well this is my blog for yesterday because i was very busy yesterday with my paper, but dont worry i wont miss anymore my faithful readers, so yesterday i learned about.. will nothing i took a test in my algebra class though.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


1. What are three things that you are doing in class right now?
i am writing my paper, doing this quiz, and doing my job.
2. What is your paper about?
my paper is about the recycling of old computers.
3. Why do you think that we are writing these papers? (your opinion is not relevant to the response, you need to explain the cause or reason)
we are writing these papers to use our knowledge of technology to help better the community and to raise awarness of problems in the community.
4. Name five things that define MLA standards.
the paper must have 1" margins on all sides, must be times new roman, have a header, be double spaced, and be on 8.5 " x 11" white computer paper.
5. Why do you think that we are using MLA standards?
we are using mla because it is very neat and organized
6. What two parts were added to your paper yesterday?
the two parts added were the bibliography and the teks.
7. What have you learned in the last week?
i have learned abut the project and my topic that the project is on.
8. What is one thing (be specific) that you want to learn in the next week.
i want to learn where i can recycle old computers.
9. What one thing do you think is the most important thing to keep in mind when you begin creating a presentation to give to the class:?
the important thing i need to keep in mind is to make it organized and interesting
10. What is one thing that you did not understand in the last two weeks (be specific)?
i did not understand how to do the project, and how to make a zoho spreadsheet

Monday, October 15, 2007

bloggn boredom

well, today i learned about newtons laws. it was pretty cool cause we learened like how if you drop a penny and bowling bowl from the same height at the same time they will land at the same time. of course the bowling ball would hurt a lot more but if your doin it form the empire state building you could like cut someone in half with the penny or crush thier bones with the bowling ball, either way pretty tight sianorra peeps

Friday, October 12, 2007

forced to blog part 1 and a half

well here i am again tellin you about boring school, today we took a test in ipc i probably didn't do to well, we also took a quiz in english that was pretty hard. so anyways i hope to be learning alot in these next few weeks so i can pass all my classes with at least, well i want to pass them.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

forced to blog part 1

well here i am again, and i didn't learn much yesterday, but i did have a lot of homework it was very hard i didn't do very good on it there was a quiz in ipc i did bad in that English is very boring now math is still broing and hard and art well its art. so ya thats my day in one continous sentence that if my english teacher read she would be very dissapointed in me. bu-bye

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

more stuff school

as you may presenetly yourself now be aware of my grammar sucks. today in scinece or ipc whichever, but we learned about acceleration again, and it was boring again. well thats pretty much all we learned in that class, and i haven't been to another class except this one so goodby.

Friday, October 5, 2007


i couldn't think of an exciting title but that basically summarizes what i'm bloggin about. so far today i've learned about acceleration in ipc, which i must say is the easiest class ever, also i took a 6 weeks test in algebra 2, ya thats right i'm in algebra 2, didn't think i was that smart did ya? so today i am going to do my first joint class essay between english and history and it is going to suck!! i will probally fail because of my constant procrastination and laziness, but this is going to be very hard and i dont know if i'll survive.....

anyways goodbye my many readers

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

teks is for geeks

well we took some test or something, actually i really don't know what we did it was very boring and was obviously made by idiots for idiots. speaking of idiots, i recently read my good friend whimsical Wyatt the bloggin Messiah's post about how much cops suck(i am calling the cops idiots not whimsical Wyatt) . so anyways back to nothing, i am extremely bored so i think i'll rant for a while. you know what really grinds my gears, dogs barking at night, or in the morning when i'm trying to sleep, but thats not the worst thing that really grinds my gears, politics that really makes me mad i mean who decided politicians where so great they don't do anything for us except send us in to pointless wars and smoke crack, maybe violate some girl here and there, but ya i don't like them i mean they are like honey combs they, i'm not sure why, but they are. they grab all the milk around them and then they get all soggy and gross and nothing makes me madder than soggy cereal in the morning, i mean really, your trying to enjoy your nice crunchy cereal with some milk then they get all soggy and ruin it, i'm gonna make a cereal that never gets soggy, so i can enjoy my honey combs without all the sogginess that makes me so angry, it's like walruses what did they ever do besides sit on their asses all day and be pissed off, oh, wait those aren't walruses thats my Spanish teacher that doesn't know anything and can't teach Spanish for her life, she should just quit and get carried away by some giant bird, that she thinks is so beatiful, speaking of beatiful i don't know how to spell it, and invisibility cloaks should be real that would make everything better even my soggy cereal, with and invisibility cloak i could be like sneaking around everywhere and scare people, maybe i'll go to the moon kick some Martian ass, bring back their treasures and be some hero for making the Martians bow down to us. so there you have it, and now back to you in the news room tom.

Friday, September 28, 2007

the truth comes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well as it turns out have not been in a puerto rican boarding school where they beat me every day and i can't leave until i finish my peas. i have been smoking peyote for the past 4 weeks and been hallucinating like a crazy person that hallucinates. so i just thought id let all my faithful readers know the true story about me. so ya.... thats my story and i'm sticking to it, for now.

for people that, for some reason thought i was actually smoking peyote- it was a joke and you should watch zoolander.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


well i have been forced to blog more, and i'm telling you about this totally sweet site called spluch that tells you about some very crazy news, like deadly space germs and people eating giant spiders and parallel universes existing!! this one i also don"t know if its just a joke or real but its pretty cool. link

until tommorow or the next day, whenever---jack


this is pretty cool, its a bunch of stuff that doesn't exist or maybe it does, i'm confused. but anyways this site tells you about all this fancy new stuff like cameras and phones real or not doesn't matter, this is still pretty cool. link

all i want for christmas....

well in class i have been forced to read blogs all day and blog about them. so i was reading slashphone a blog about new phones coming out and by golly they are simply super! there is one particularly awesome one with a mini "pico-projector" in it. i guess thats something like a regular projector but cooler sounding. of course my fav of them all is the new program where you can order a big mac straight from your phone!!!!!!!! i'm not really sure that this really does anything special or help you get your big mac quicker, but still i can order a big mac from my phone!!! link

until i am forced to blog again-jack

Monday, September 24, 2007

the dentist

well today was a very bad day, i was late to class because of a dentist appointment and i was beaten with a bar of soap. so, now i smell good but it hurts, and i am lucky to be blogg'n right now. well besides from the soap, today was actually ok i guess. so disregard that whole very bad day thing because it was not a very bad day at least my teeth are all white and shiny, but the taste of soap still lingers in my mouth. well i can't think of anything to talk about now so... ya, I'm done with this for today.

later my homeboys- jack

Friday, September 21, 2007

what i learned in class

my name is jack, or so i've been told. it has been 4 weeks since i last seen home, I've been cooped up in a schoolhouse and might go crazy. i don't know where i am and this school really smells bad. i already ate one of my shoes and might eat the other. anyways i learned how to make blogs and other stuff i didn't know about computers, in computer apps class and now i'm super happy!!! so i'll be writing about all my crazy adventures in this class and my wonderful school that i hate. so have fun with this and i will too.

till we meet again- jack