Friday, October 5, 2007


i couldn't think of an exciting title but that basically summarizes what i'm bloggin about. so far today i've learned about acceleration in ipc, which i must say is the easiest class ever, also i took a 6 weeks test in algebra 2, ya thats right i'm in algebra 2, didn't think i was that smart did ya? so today i am going to do my first joint class essay between english and history and it is going to suck!! i will probally fail because of my constant procrastination and laziness, but this is going to be very hard and i dont know if i'll survive.....

anyways goodbye my many readers


Wyatt said...

You will survive jack. For how could we get by without your blog. Your survival is crucial to the worlds happiness

jumpin jack said...

i don't really know what that means but it makes me happy, and fills me with a willingness to go on.

Unknown said...

try again later