Friday, December 14, 2007


so far, this year i have learned many things about computers and other stuff as well. Where to start... well ill start with learning how to do all the programs and how internet explorer is evil, games are FORBIDDEN!! and this class is pretty awesome. After this stuff we learned about how we could succeed in this class with community service credits and what not. Now for the important stuff, the blogs, not my blogs i mean the blogs i read every day like spluch because it is so dang awesome. I was just kidding thats not the important stuff. What really is important is our project about recycling computers and refurbishing them. its great we do all this stuff and hopefully we'll be able to help people soon enough. we have already been in talk with goodwill about a partnership. some of us even went up to goodwill to learn how to take apart a computer and how to put it back together. now we are getting computers from miss bolsgraagsfdhf, well I'm not sure what her name is, but we do get computers from her and she's really nice about it and seems very willing and excited about what we are doing. We took apart a mac this week which was pretty cool we found out macs are a lot harder to dissemble than pcs. I had a great idea about making a commercial but they disagreed. o well it would of been funny but pointless. this is pretty cool i must say it's not to hard and we get to help the community as well. we are planning on going and talking to goodwill on the 4 th again. we should hopefully get some useful information and push our project further into completion. well in a very short paragraph thats the whole semester and what i learned and what i did, it's been fun and i'm looking forward to next semester. and now for a teks that applies.
(A) apply computer technology to individual or community problems;

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